Orchard Surgery serves a diverse population of approximately 8600 patients in Langley, Slough.
Dr Fouad Guirguis is the GP trainer and the surgery has very close links with Langley Health Centre with a lot of crossworking.
The current surgery operates from a new site in the heart of Langley. There is a dedicated Practice Nurse and Health Care Assistant on site with visiting community midwives, District Nurses and Health Visitors. We offer a full range of primary care services and in addition run specialist clinics such as minor surgery, diabetes with insulin management and so forth.
The practice is a high achiever in QoF, is dedicated to be a learning organisation and has got an overall Good CQC rating across all domains.
Currently Orchard surgery shares the PMCF rota with Langley Health Centre in evenings and weekends.
Dr. Sajid Ali and Dr. Fouad Guirguis
- AddressWillow Parade
276 High Street
Slough SL3 8HD - Telephone01753 542424